The Engineering Deparment spent much of the day fabricating equipment to allow a possible repair on Friday. Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Galápagos Rift Expedition 2011. Download larger version (jpg, 3.6 MB).
If everything went as planned, we would currently be transiting through Costa Rica waters on the way to the Paramount Seamounts off of Ecuador. Unfortunately, the satellite antenna (VSAT) problems described in the July 4 update are quite serious. The VSAT is essential equipment that allows us to send data and information - including ROV video from the seafloor - to anyone with an internet connection around the world. Since July 3rd, personnel both on shore and on the ship are trying their hardest to fix the problem quickly, effectively, and safely. Not having the ability to send email with attachments makes it much more difficult to troubleshoot and fix the complicated equipment. Even though many people thought we would not be able to fix the system for several months, we may be operational again in a day or so. Fingers crossed...