Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the exploration of the Alaska's Seamounts between June 22 and July 15, 2002. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
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Video & Slideshows

Highlights of Gulf of Alaska Seamount Exploration

July 14
Crinoid swimming

July 11
Alvin collecting volcanic rock.

July 8
Chains of volcanic mountains.

July 8
Patton Seamount

July 7
Cold water coral

July 2
Squid swimming

June 27
Collecting a crab sample

ALVIN launch

Crab pot

White sea star and flat fish

Juvenile crab

Scarlet king crabs

Patton Seamount chain

Pincher collection

Sponge and anemone

Larval fish

ALVIN passenger

July 15
Large pink sea fan

July 15
Horn-shaped vase sponges

July 15
A bizarre elephant sponge

July 14
An Isidid coral, otherwise known as bamboo coral

July 14
Bamboo coral

July 14
Candelbra structure on a bamboo coral

July 13
AB Seaman Jerry Graham

July 13
Chief Mate Mitzie Crane and Ed Catfish Popowitz

July 13
Sue Doenges

July 13
Sue Doenges and Amy Baco-Taylor

July 13
Crewmembers pause following a recovery of the Alvin

July 12
Skeleton shrimp

July 12
Naomi Ward emptying seawater

July 12
Naomi Ward collecting mucus

July 12
Bruce Strickrott detaching Niskin bottles

July 11
Basalt columns

July 11
Fractured pillow basalts

July 11
Lava tubes

July 11
Coloring Styrofoam cups

July 11
Before and after compression

July 10
Sarah Flood Page and Naomi Ward

July 10
Putting the gravity corer over the side

July 10
Aftermath of a mud fight

July 10
14 foot gravity core

July 9
Gooseneck barnacles

July 9
Spider crab missing limbs

July 9
Adult male spider crab eating a female spider crab

July 9
Gastric mill and teeth

July 8
Seabeam bathymetry

July 7
Coral polyps on a bamboo coral

July 7
Paragorgia with basket starfish & polychaetes

July 7
Paragorgia coral

July 7
Sea whip

July 7
Paragorgia with squat lobsters

July 5
Tug boat coming to meet the R/V Atlantis

July 5
School children view collection

July 1
Bamboo coral

July 1
Lava flow

June 27
Crab ganglia

June 27
Couesi eggs

June 27
Macroreg eggs

June 26
Alvin being moved out of the hanger

June 26
Alvin first launch

June 26
Entering Alvin

June 26
National Geographic Channel interview

June 25
R/V Atlantis docked

June 25
Emergency breathing apparatus training

June 25
Rick Bean instructs all newcomers

June 25
Wind and waves

June 25
Zach Hoyt fixing cracks in the crab tank
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