NOAA scientific dive teams have conducted additional site investigations each year, most involving other organizations and agencies. This year, everyone will work together to achieve the difficult task of recovering the turret. Click image for a larger view.
The Monitor Expedition 2002 is being conducted jointly by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Navy and The Mariners Museum. Project Management for the Navy will be provided by the Naval Sea Systems Command
, while on-scene activities will be the responsibility of Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit Two.
If any human remains are found during this years Expedition, the U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii
will provide assistance.
Additional participants in this year's turret recovery include Global Industries Inc., Manson Gulf Inc.,
Northrop Grumman Newport News
(formerly Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.), Phoenix International Inc.,
the City of Newport News,
and the U.S. Coast Guard.
NOAA research dives following the Navy recovery expedition will be conducted by NOAA, the National Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and the Maritime Studies Program at East Carolina University .
Primary funding for the expedition was awarded by the Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, with additional funding from NOAAs National Marine Sanctuary Program and Office of Ocean Exploration. Conservation and exhibition funding and support is being provided by NOAA and The Mariners Museum.
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