Mountains in the Sea
July 11 - July 19, 2003
This summer, with the help of the Alvin submersible, a multidisciplinary team of scientists and educators visited several little known seamounts in the North Atlantic, along with at least one previously unexplored seamount, to study various aspects of deep-sea octocorals and other organisms living on and around the seamounts.
The primary objective was to map, collect, and identify deepwater corals, fishes, and miscellaneous invertebrates from the seamounts, with special attention to whether corals are most abundant at the crest of the seamount and whether they form important habitat for other species, such as benthic fishes, when the corals are particularly abundant.
Background information for this exploration can be found on the left side of the page. Daily updates and more detailed logs and summaries of exploration activities are posted below and to the right.
Updates & Logs
Click images or links below for detailed mission logs.

Other Stories
See the perspective of Joe Haberstroh, a Newsday reporter, in the Voyage of the Atlantis .
Visit the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute's Dive & Discover Web site to read more about this expedition (Click on Expediton 7 - New England Seamounts).