Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the Mountains in the Sea expedition that took place July 11 July 19, 2003. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information.
If a picture of a movie camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.

New discovery's on the New England Seamount chain.

July 17
Coral polyp patterns.

July 16
Exploring the mysteries of the seamounts.

July 14
Corals on Manning Seamount.

2003 Mountains in the Sea science team

Slickhead at Bear Seamount

A swimming grenadier (or rattail)

A chimaera at Bear Seamount

A coral and sponge garden

Crinoids, a sea star, and an anemone

Closed Paragorgia polyps

Multibeam sonar map of the seamounts

Flat-topped Bear Seamount

A Paragorgia colony

Octocoral polyps and a red brittle star, Asteronyx

July 18
Nezumia foraging along the edge of a basalt outcrop.

July 18
A Paragorgia coral with a yellow colonial anemone.

July 18
A deep sea shrimp out in open water.

July 18
Deploying basalt blocks for a coral recruitment experiment.

July 18
A deep sea Roundnose Grenadier.

July 18
The deep water fish, Lamonema.

July 18
An eel type fish, Synapho-branchus.

July 18
Dousing a neophyte diver.

July 18
Alvin Expedition leader, Dudley Foster.

July 17
Purple octocoral.

July 17
Large skate egg case.

July 17
Dr. Scott France smells a sponge.

July 17
Open coral polyp.

July 17
Open coral polyps.

July 17
A single coral polyp.

July 17
Coral polyp septa.

July 17
Microscopic coral eggs.

July 16
Deep sea paragorgia coral.

July 16
Iridogorgia coral specimen.

July 16
Corallium sp. specimen. (HR)

July 16
Dr. Jon Moore photographs Paragorgia coral.

July 16
Mercer Brugler prepares a sample of coral for preservation.

July 16
Relaxing coral polyps.

July 16
Laura Rear, Knauss Sea Grant Marine Policy Fellow.

July 15
Paragorgia sp. and pin-shaped clear sclerites Lepidisis sp photographed through a microscope.

July 15
Paragorgia coral with an unknown zoanthid colony.

July 15
The biobox on the front of Alvin.

July 15
Anne Simpson works with the coral polyp samples she collected.

July 15
Miscellaneous invertebrates from Bear seamount.

July 15
Deep sea corals collected from Oceanographer Canyon.

July 15
Trawl sample from Bear Seamount.

July 15
A deep-sea anglerfish from Bear Seamount.

July 15
A large sponge in the basket of the submersible Alvin, collected during the Dive & Discover cruise.

July 15
A large brisingid sea star collected from Manning Seamount.

July 15
Sorting animals from the trawl catch at Bear Seamount in 2002.

July 15
A bathymetry map of the Kelvin seamount showing the Western ridge.

July 14
Microscopic view of a polyp.

July 14
Bathypathes sp, a type of black coral undewater.

July 14
Various black corals in a bucket. (HR)

July 14
Mercer Brugler holds up a black coral specimen.

July 14
Captain George Silva, of the R/V Atlantis.

July 14
Recovering the Alvin sub after a dive on Manning Seamount. (HR)

July 14
Alvin being pulled out of the water during a dive recovery.

July 13
Launching Alvin from Atlantis.

July 13
Scott France holds up a deep sea coral. (HR)

July 13
A close-up of Iridogorgia coral polyps.

July 13
Iridogorgia, a spiral shaped coral.

July 13
Melissa Ryan holds up compressed styrofoam cups.

July 13
Nick Forfinski, hydrographer.

July 13
Partial bathymetric image of Kelvin Seamount.

July 13
Mountains in the Sea sketch drawn by eight-year old Jenna Watling.

July 12
Dave Simms, Ivar Babb, and Nick Forfiski discuss bathymetry acquisition.

July 12
Partial bathymetry for Kelvin seamount.

July 12
Peter Auster with beard.

July 12
Peter Auster without beard.

July 12
Alvin, up close, in its hanger on board Atlantis.

July 12
Researchers discuss upcoming dives with Alvin.

July 12
Adjusting a devise on Alvins manipulator arms.

July 11
WHOI R/V Atlantis refueling in Woods Hole between cruises.

July 11
Anne Simpson trying on a mask.

July 11
The DSV Alvin crew readies the sub for a dive.

July 11
A deep-sea dredge.