Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the Submarine Ring of Fire 2004: Exploration of the Mariana Arc expedition that took place March 27 - April 18, 2004. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon
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If a slideshow icon is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows
View multibeam bathymetry collected on the 2003 and 2004 Submarine Ring of Fire expeditions. (mp4, 7.9 MB)
April 11
See an extraordinary biological community of hydrothermal mussels at NW Eifuku volcano. (mp4, 4.9 MB)
April 10
Surprisingly, droplets composed of some sort of fluid were rising out of the sediment around the chimneys. (mp4, 5.1 MB)
April 15
Scientists were surprised by a rare sighting of a shark at the Kasuga-2 hydrothermal system.
April 14
Plankton nets mounted on the bumper bar of the ROPOS ROV are used to collect plankton above the hydrothermal vent sites.
April 13
Geoff Lebon (foreground) and Ed Baker (background) removie plume water from the CTD bottles after a tow-yo. (HR)
April 12
These microbial mats are similar in composition to those seen at the Yellow Top Vent site. (HR)
April 12
Yellow and orange microbial mats form a “bioreactor” mound with a thin crust and small chimneys on top. (HR)
April 10
An experiment to observe the change in phase of the droplets collected at Champagne Vent. (HR)
April 9
The vertical column in the center of the image, called a dike, rises from below sea level to the pinnacle at the top of the ridge. (HR)
April 8
The team gathers around the ROPOS ROV console to identify vent species on the sea floor. (HR)
April 8
Tropical fish swim above boulders covered with bacterial mats, which indicate the presence of hydrothermal venting. (HR)
April 8
Patches of encrusting red and green algae lie beneath filamentous bacterial mats on rock surfaces. (HR)
April 6
The steep slope of the East Diamante volcano is seen in this image from the upper left to the lower right-hand side. (HR)
April 6
A piece of one of the chimney spires, cut in half and lined by a copper-rich mineral called chalcopyrite. (HR)
April 6
Three small (~30 cm tall) actively venting spires sit atop one of the chimneys in the Black Forest vent field. (HR)
April 5
Active “smoker” chimneys precipitating iron, copper and zinc sulfides from 230ºC fluid. (HR)
April 5
A unique photograph of a shallow-water tropical fish swimming among active black smoker chimneys.
April 4
Interlayered basaltic (dark) and felsic (light) ash layers in the east wall of West Rota caldera. (HR)
April 4
A contact point between the lower basaltic and upper felsic ash units in the wall of the West Rota caldera. (HR)
April 1
Covered in sulfur droplets, the ROPOS ROV shows signs of its close encounter with sulfur, rocks and ash. (HR)
April 1
A cross-section of NW Rota 1 measured by an optical turbidity sensor mounted on a CTD package.
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