Monitor underwater footage
Monitor turret video
Recovering the turret plan
gun rods
standing on the spider
buttons with Navy insignia
flatware artifact
buttons in situ
lantern artifact
fork artifact
ring artifact
fork artifact
wool coat artifact
Boot artifact
wood boxes
comb artifact
graphic of turret from portside
Dahlgren cannon graphic upside-down
shield artifact
lantern chimney
paper artifact
Jeffers and dents from cannons
Sailors on roof of the Monitor
Monitor sailors
Indents where turret once laid
closeup of turret
Turret lifted out of the water
Excavated turret
spider over water
spider over turret
Dahlgren cannon underwater
turret underwater
Monitor site profile and plan
Recovered artifacts from the Monitor
Recovered artifacts from the Monitor
Sunken turret of the Monitor
Deterioration of the Monitor
Sunken hull of the Monitor
Photomosaic of the Monitor
Recovered propeller and portion of shaft
Battle at Hampton Roads
Starboard profile of USS Monitor
CSS Virginia and USS Monitor Battle
Launch of the USS Monitor at the Continental Iron Works in Greenpoint, NY.
Sinking of USS Monitor
Crew on deck
Officers standing by turret
Portside view of Engine
Turret diagram
Profile of the Monitor
Wardroom of the Monitor
Sonar image of Monitor