Beyond the Blue: Papahānaumokuākea Mapping
(EX2403, EX2404, EX2501)
Nā ʻOihana: Jobs on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
In thinking about jobs in ocean exploration, the first ones that come to mind for many are those in the science field, such as biologists, geologists, and marine archaeologists. And while scientists are integral to ocean exploration, there are many, many additional disciplines and specialists whose expertise are critical to every expedition at sea, from vessel operators to educators to stewards who keep the team fed.
Join Beyond the Blue: Papahānaumokuākea Mapping 3 expedition cultural liaisons Kelsie Pīkake Kuniyoshi and Kalauʻihilani Robins and members of the on-ship team to learn the ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) words to describe some of the many career opportunities in ocean exploration.
The ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi job titles featured here were derived by listening to each individual describe the kuelana (responsibility) of their roles. This process allowed for job titles to be crafted not only to characterize the positions held by each team member, but their unique experience in that role.
All videos courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Beyond the Blue 2024.
ʻEnekinia Pūnaewele: Network Engineer
As an ʻenekinia pūnaewele (network engineer), Mark Durbin keeps the ship’s internet stable and fixes any computer or network issues that arise. If you enjoy the live video streams from the ship, you can probably thank Mark for making sure the streams make it to shore! Download largest version (mp4, 49.1 MB)
ʻEnehana Noiʻi Kiʻekiʻe: Senior Survey Technician
ʻEnehana noiʻi kiʻekiʻe (senior survey technician) Sophie Cardine-Taber uses spatial tools to map the ocean floor and measure the water column. She is also responsible for uploading and maintaining data collected during the expedition. Download largest version (mp4, 42.7 MB)
Holomoana: Able Seafarer
In the role of holomoana (able seafarer), Tanya Zapata helps to operate equipment on deck and take care of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Download largest version (mp4, 36.3 MB)
Hoʻolaukaʻi Huakaʻi: Expedition Coordinator
Meet hoʻolaukaʻi huakaʻi (expedition coordinator) Trish Albano. Trish is responsible for organizing and planning mission objectives and working with scientists and the ship’s crew to ensure things sail smoothly. Download largest version (mp4, 69.5 MB)
Kahu Maʻi: Nurse
Michael Reed is a registered nurse with the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service. As the ship’s kahu maʻi (nurse), Michael makes sure that everyone on board stays healthy. Download largest version (mp4, 42.4 MB)
Kāpena: Captain
Commander Tony Perry is the kapena (captain) of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. As the commanding officer on board, Commander Perry is responsible for everything that happens on the ship, from navigating the vessel to leading the crew and keeping a watchful eye on weather and other obstacles. Download largest version (mp4, 42.6 MB)
Kanaka Pili Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi: Cultural Liaison
As a kanaka pili moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi (cultural liaison) during the Beyond the Blue: Papahānaumokuākea Mapping 3 expedition, (Kelsie) Pīkake Kuniyoshi conducts cultural protocols and hosts workshops for the on-ship team to learn about and better understand and appreciate Native Hawaiian culture. She also helps to facilitate ship-to-shore interactions with school groups. Download largest version (mp4, 34.6 MB)
Kanaka Pili Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi: Cultural Liaison
Kanaka pili moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi (cultural liaison) Kalauʻihilani Robins conducts cultural protocols, outreach and education learning opportunities, and cultural workshops for the team sailing on the Beyond the Blue: Papahānaumokuākea Mapping 3 expedition. Download largest version (mp4, 31.9 MB)
Luna Hoʻonohonoho: Operations Officer
Lieutenant Tim Holland is the luna hoʻonohonoho (operations officer) on board NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. He works to schedule and carry out day-to-day operations on the ship, to keep things sailing smoothly throughout an expedition. Download largest version (mp4, 38.4 MB)
Luna ʻŌpio: Junior Officer
Carrington Conerly is a luna ʻōpio (junior officer) with NOAA Corps. He works with Commanding Officer of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, Commander Tony Perry III, and the rest of the NOAA Corps team to keep the ship navigating and running smoothly. Download largest version (mp4, 40.7 MB)
Luna ʻŌpio: Junior Officer
NOAA Corps luna ʻōpio (junior officer) Kate Elmer helps drive the ship, facilitate research, and help out around the ship as needed. Download largest version (mp4, 39.8 MB)
Luna ʻŌpio: Junior Officer
Aidan Murphy is a luna ʻōpio (junior officer) with NOAA Corps. He drives the ship, facilitates science and research activities, and helps to keep things safe and efficient. Download largest version (mp4, 53.9 MB)
Mea Hana Nānā: Explorer-in-Training
Mea hana nānā (explorer-in-training) Sarah Hutchinson is learning from the on-ship team how to map and explore the ocean, helping to collect and process bathymetric data. Download largest version (mp4, 28.2 MB)
Mea Hana Nānā: Explorer-in-Training
Prajna Jandial is a mea hana nānā (explorer-in-training). She is learning how to collect and process bathymetric data collected during the expedition. Download largest version (mp4, 28.5 MB)
Mea Hana Nānā: Survey Technician
Meet Devon Jones-Stanley, a mea hana nānā (survey technician) who works to map the ocean floor and collect data about the water column. Devon also works to upload and maintain data so that it is available to scientists for use. Download largest version (mp4, 33.5 MB)
Mea Hana Nānā Hīʻona Hohonu: Mapping Watch Lead
As a mea hana nānā hīʻona hohonu (mapping watch lead), Margaret Hanley ensures that collected seafloor mapping data meets quality standards. She also plays an important role in training mapping explorer-in-training interns. Download largest version (mp4, 44 MB)
Mea Holomoana: Able-Bodied Seafarer
Christopher Portal is a mea holomoana (able-bodied seafarer) on the ship. He helps to keep the ship and any equipment well maintained, clean, and working properly. Download largest version (mp4, 46.8 MB)
Mea Hoʻomohala ʻIkepili: Software Engineer
As a mea hoʻomohala ʻikepili (software engineer), Fernando Aragon develops code for remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) that are used to explore the ocean. He is also an ROV pilot! Download largest version (mp4, 67.1 MB)
Mea Kuke: Chief Cook
Dana Reid is the ship’s mea kuke (chief cook). He is responsible for keeping everyone fed while the ship is underway, preparing, cooking, and cleaning up meals for the entire crew. Download largest version (mp4, 45.9 MB)
Mea Mākaʻikaʻi: Explorer-in-Training
Astrid Zapata-De-Jesus is a mea mākaʻikaʻi (explorer-in-training). She is learning how to map the seafloor and water column alongside the crew and scientists sailing on the expedition. Download largest version (mp4, 41.9 MB)
Definitions for key words used in forming the job titles, with links to the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s Wehewehe Wikiwiki (online Hawaiian dictionary) are provided below. Note that these huaʻōlelo (words) all have multiple meanings, but these are the definitions that are appropriate to the job titles.
- Mea: n., Person or thing that does, is, did, or was. “Mea kuke” would be a person who cooks, which would be different than “kuke,” which is a verb.
- Luna: n., Foreman, boss, leader, overseer, supervisor, headman, officer of any sort, commissioner, superintendency, control, rule. Similarly, Luna ʻŌpio literally means a junior officer.
- Kahu: n., Honored attendant, guardian, nurse, keeper of ʻunihipili bones, regent, keeper, administrator, warden, caretaker, master, mistress; pastor, minister, reverend, or preacher of a church; one who has a dog, cat, pig, or other pet.
- Kanaka: nvs., Human being, man, person, individual, party, mankind, population; subject, as of a chief; laborer, servant, helper; attendant or retainer in a family (often a term of affection or pride); human sacrifice (FS 111); physique; human, manly, pregnant, inhabited; Hawaiian; private individual or party, as distinguished from the government.
Published December 12, 2024
Updated January 6, 2025